9 Metaphors for hypotheses

Bless me, Sir; an hypothesis is not a conclusion, any more than a promise is a performance.

If the Challenger hypothesis, that the red clay is the residue left by dissolved Foraminiferous skeletons, is correct, then all these deposits alike would be directly, or indirectly, the product of living organisms.

"The speculative hypothesis is a risk taken in the sphere of thought; action in accordance with this hypothesis is a risk taken in the sphere of will; and that being is higher who will undertake and risk the more whether in thought or action."

'Several of their taata-paari, or wise men, pretend that, according to other traditions, Taa-roa was only a man who was deified after death.' Euhemerism, in fact, is a natural theory of men acquainted with ancestor-worship, but a Euhemeristic hypothesis by a Polynesian thinker is not a statement of national belief.

If Hinton's hypothesis be the true explanation, the universality of electro-magnetic action would again point to the conclusion that our three-dimensional world is superficialthe surface, that is, of a four-dimensional universe.

We have said (p. 116) that Darwin's hypothesis is the natural complement to Lyell's uniformitarian theory in physical geology.

" CHAPTER XXIX HYPOTHESIS AND INNUENDO To say that Cicely Drane had not thought of Ralph Haverley as an exceedingly agreeable young man would be an injustice to her young womanly nature, but it would be quite correct to state that she had not thought him a whit more agreeable than Miriam.

The author forgets that the negative hypothesis is just as much a hypothesis as the positive, and needs to be defended in precisely the same manner.

Hypotheses are cradle-songs by which the teacher lulls his scholars to sleep.

9 Metaphors for  hypotheses