87 Metaphors for illustrations

" [Illustration: Jacques Coeur165] Jacques Coeur, temporarily established at Montpellier, became a great and a celebrated merchant.

A more satisfactory illustration of his peculiar qualities is "The Ghost's Visit on the Feldberg,"a story told by a loafer of Basle to a group of beer-drinkers in the tavern at Todtnau, a little village at the foot of the mountain.

[Illustration: A WELCOME VISITOR] About the first man I saw after reaching the camp was my old, true and tried friend, Wild Bill.

[Illustration: FIRST TRAWLER SKIPPER (to friend who is due to sail by next tide): "Are ye takin' any precautions against these submarines, Jock?" SECOND SKIPPER: "Ay!

The most familiar illustration of the usage alluded to in the text is the line of Horace in Odes i. 1. 25: "manet sub Iove frigido venator.

The biographettes of John Hunter, Simpson, J. Stone, and Fergusson, and the introductory illustrations of Newton, are the most striking portions of the volume; and they maybe read and re-read with increasing advantage.

This illustration is valuable allegorically.

[Illustration: NO. 50] No. 50 is a felicitous cut for a street dress for a slim sister.

The following is the plan by which I have succeeded best in the production of transparencies: [Illustration] B is a lamp with a circular wick, which burns petroleum and gives a good body of light.

The familiar illustrations are the Mohammedan conquests that swept victoriously across the Bosporus and conquered Constantinople, also across northern Africa, and surged into southern Europe over the Straits of Gibraltar and threatened for a time completely to engulf the Western civilization.

may the eagle's flight ever be thine, Onward and upward, true to the line!" "What is that, mother?" "The swan, my love He is floating down from his native grove, [Illustration] No loved one now, no nestling nigh; He is floating down by himself to die; Death darkens his eyes, and unplumes his wings, Yet the sweetest song is the last he sings.

[Illustration] The elephant-beetle is the largest of this kind hitherto known, and is found in South America, particularly in Guiana, about the rivers Surinam and Oroonoko.

[Illustration: All on a Summer's day] Now first of May does summer bring, How bright and fine is every thing!

[Illustration] Farther on, is the Moorish cemetery, which I passed through.

[Illustration: Fig. 4 is a complete round link belt.]

Illustrations to modes of music were common features of the Muslim art of the Deccanthe association of certain modes with Krishna being carefully preserved.

A striking illustration of this is the fact, that a stream of lava often continues to be red hot at a few feet depth for years after the surface is consolidated, and is hardly any warmer than that of the surrounding land.

[Illustration: TOMB OF ETMAH-DOWLAHAGRA] About three miles from the center of Ajmere is Mayo College, for the exclusive education of Rajput princes, and erected by them.

[Illustration: The First Singing of The Marseillaise] Questions for Review Why was Poland an easy prey for her neighbors?

[Illustration] No. 1 of the above fac-similes is the g of the H.S. letter, No. 2 the g of the List of Players, and in the name below is a g of exactly the same model.

[Illustration: a foot stove] Washington was a farmer, yet he never in his life beheld a tomato, nor a cauliflower, nor an eggplant, nor a horserake, nor a drill, nor a reaper and binder, nor a threshing machine, nor a barbed wire fence.

[Illustration: ITS BILL DESERVES STUDY] An easy life begets luxury, and among fruit-eaters the parrot has become an epicure.

A striking illustration of the gradual encroachments of reason is the change which was silently wrought in public opinion on the subject of witchcraft.

" This list of plant proverbs might easily be extended, but the illustrations quoted in the preceding pages are a fair sample of this portion of our subject.

[Illustration: THE BALKAN PENINSULA ETHNOLOGICAL] Place-names are a good index of the extent and strength of the tide of Slav immigration.

87 Metaphors for  illustrations