7 Metaphors for impediments

Another impediment, not the least vexatious to the commentator, is the exactness with which Shakespeare followed his authors.

The first great impediment was the important city of Troyes, which was well garrisoned.

3. "Another impediment to the progress of our slaves in Christian knowledge has been their too frequent intercourse with the Negroes of the neighboring plantations, and the accession of fresh slaves to our own, either hired from other estates, or imported from Africa.

[10] The Bishop said that the two impediments to profitable or amusing conversation were humdrum and humbug.

The first impediment which they were called upon to surmount was their total inability to defray the expenses of a powerful army, and to secure the necessary funds for maintaining a secret correspondence with their French adherents.

"The first impediment," you say, "is the utter and absolute want of all power on the part of the General Government to effect the purpose.

The great impediment to popular instruction in France, is the multiplicity of patois, and the tenacity of the peasantry for them.

7 Metaphors for  impediments