68 Metaphors for impressions

The great impression stamped upon the wax of their minds, which became iron in after years, was democracya crude, distorted, wavering image of democracy, like every image an ideal in this imperfect world, but in its essence a reflection of the ideal of their country.

Impression as the Purpose of Description.+The impression that it gives may become the central purpose of a description.

Physical impressions are at the beginning of life the only possible medium for awakening the child's sensibility.

Weeks of debate ensued, and the deepest impression made by a careful perusal of the record is the inability of members to appreciate the importance of the issues.

The first impression made by the Medici frescoes is their sumptuousness.

Our first impressions are not always our best ones.

The impression is that mere ingenuity will not . (1) Virtue, virile, virgin, virtually; (2) virago, virtuoso, triumvir.

My actual impression was forty-inch.

ARKS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Published November 1909 SEVENTH IMPRESSION TO LIONEL S. MARKS Anno 1284 Am Dage Johannis et Pauli War der 26

MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF HENRY IRVING One very foggy night in December 1867it was Boxing Day, I thinkI acted for the first time with Henry Irving.

The Caldigate impression is a little, very littleever so littlebut a little smaller than any of the Mays '73.

Every impression of his life, whether deep or fleeting, was material for a poem or a cycle.

My impression of them is of alert, resourceful men (their escapes have been wonderful)men who never know when they are beaten.

" "If the impression that the lady could yield her esteem with too little discretion, be any excuse for suspicions, then may I advise a search in the manor of Kinderhook!"

THE SENTINEL HOUNDS The overwhelming impression was the brilliant health and vitality of these men and the quality of their breeding.

It is confessed on all hands that our first impressions are the most powerful, both as to their immediate effects and future influence; that they not only form the character of our childhood, but that of our maturer years.

The impressions of others, however, allowing a little for the enthusiasm of the moment, are a safer guide as to the effect of Douglass's first speech.

My fleeting impression of Turin was of a very well-planned city, its Corsi spacious and well shaded with trees, its trams multitudinous, its many distant vistas of wooded hills and of the Superga Palace beyond the Po a delight to the eye.

She fastened it for me in a neat, effective bow, and while I held my chin up for the operation, staring blankly at the ceiling, the impression cameI wondered, was it her touch that caused it?that something in her trembled.

The poet's only recorded impression of the journey is a gleam of Loch Leven, to which he refers in one of his latest letters.

These impressions are not illusions, they are realities.

She may depict these conceptions, full of feeling, in the dull colors of the North, or in rich and glowing hues, but the impression she gives is much the same in both cases, a generally restful effect, though the faces in her pictures are full of life and emotion.

When the servants proceeded to their occupations on the following morning, they found her insensible on the ground; but when restored to consciousness, the continued absence of her husband and a note of five hundred franks which he had deposited in her work-box for the purpose of enabling her to quit Paris, served to prove that the dreadful impression on her mind was not a mere delusion of the night.

Such impressions, which ought not to be cherished, are a sufficient reason for excluding stories of that kind from the theatre."Kames, El. of Crit., ii, 279.

Every impression is a shrine, where you may kneel to God.'

68 Metaphors for  impressions