121 Metaphors for indians

Dangerous and treacherous allies, upon whom no real dependence could ever placed, the Indians were nevertheless the most redoubtable of all foes when the war was waged in their own gloomy woodlands.

The common American attitude then and long afterwards indeed, up to a time well within living memorywas that Indians were a kind of human vermin to be exterminated without mercy, unless, of course, more money was to be made out of them alive.

Truly Catlin was right when he said that the Indians (and these were the best of them) were "not in the least behind us in conjugal affection!"

"You will remember that the Indian in the play is a great football hero, and a sort of demi-god to his fellows.

The North American Indian has undoubtedly developed a vastly superior craft in the birch-bark canoe and with it will run rapids that a South American Indian with his log canoe would not think of attempting, though, as a general thing, the South American Indian is a wonderful waterman, the equal and, in some ways, the superior of his northern contemporary.

The old Indian was the most famous trailmaker as well as the keenest trailer of his tribe, and in the comparatively open bottoms through which they were now traveling he was in his element.

The Indian was Wowinchopunk, chief of the Paspaheghs; the red-headed man was Captain John Smith.

The Indian was about two rods in the rear, and was at the foot of the hill, when a gun was fired in the rear, and Madison received the charge in his shoulders and in the back of his neck, and immediately fell from his horse.

Hence the West Indian feels an unwillingness to elevate the condition of the Negro, or to do any thing for him as a human being.

Ever since the white men began their political struggles for power on the American continent, the unfortunate Indian has been their tool, and their scapegoat.

The Indian was his guide, he said, and he had a team outside of seven dogs.

What a horrible creature that giant Indian was!" "Tandakora is all that you think him and more.

Desert is the name it wears upon the maps, but the Indian's is the better word.

The Indian is the finest epigrammist on earth.

An Indian who is converted and dies in the faith, is essentially "a brand plucked out of the fire," and no man can undertake to estimate the moral value of the act.

"Tell me, Miss Dorothy, who was that Indian and what did that paint mean?" "The Indian was Joseph Brant, called Thayendanegea, which means, 'He who holds many peoples together,' or, in plainer words, 'A bundle of sticks.'

In such a view, an American Indian or a Kaffir warrior may be a wholesome object, good for something already, and for much more when he gets a brain built on.

'We can see that your Indian is a savage, because he wears skins and feathers; but your Irish cottar or your English labourer, because he happens to wear a coat and trousers, is to be considered a civilised man.'

Primitive or evolved as it might be, as youth and as man, the Indian was a tent-dweller.

An Indian is a poor mean thing at the bist, an' their squawskah!

This Indian was a very desperate character, and whom all the Leech lake band stood in fear of.

Onistah had not killed him because the Indian was a Christian.

The Indian was a fine fellow, younger than Prince Nicholas, and better off in the matter of eyes.

Yet this Indian, one of the worst of the band of outlaws, was an outlaw to every human being on earth.

He says an Indian is as great a gossip as any old woman, once you get him thawed to the talking point.

121 Metaphors for  indians