46 Metaphors for inventions

The invention of Wheatstone's which proved to be of greatest lasting importance in connection with the telegraph was the automatic transmitter.

These inventions were the spinning jenny, the steam engine, the power loom, the wool-combing machine, and the cotton gin.

The invention of the telephone was not ed without great labor.

And then, remember,the longer they are kept out of it, the more perfect will our invention be, and, consequently, the greater their profit from it.

In machine-tool design a wholly new invention is an exceedingly rare thing, and a successful new machine is still more rare.

Barbara Uttmann's invention was thus a blessing to the country, and her name is held in high esteem.

What woful invention were the nasty poultry that dunged on his dinner, and ships on fire turned into Nereids!

" "Another brilliant invention of the good Baer is his 'sunset spectacles.'

For there were at this time several different systems in the field, and Morse soon found that he would have to compete with the trained scientists of the Old World, backed, at last, by their respective governments, in his effort to prove that his invention was the simplest and the best of them all.

"I know that Nicholas has been feeling for a long time that his inventions are no use.

I would only observe that the general accuracy of the poet's descriptions is verified by that of the scenes in which Juan is placed in England, a point the reader may determine for himself; while the vagueness of the parts derived from books, or sketched from fancy, as contrasted with them, justifies the opinion, that invention was not the most eminent faculty of Byron, either in scenes or in characters.

In England itself, though great political inventions are always a glorious possibility, the changes in our political structure which will result from our new knowledge are likely, in our own time, to proceed along lines laid down by slowly acting, and already recognisable tendencies.

Much of this general rise is undoubtedly attributable to the adoption of better tools, machinery, and industrial processes, the more so as inventions and new methods have rapidly become free goods.

My invention is a sure destroyer of the greatest curse in the world, stock-gambling.

Think of the holocausts of human lives, and all the attendant agony of which his diabolical invention has been the cause!

Invention is not her forte; she is weak when she departs from realistic figures.

In a very real sense any invention, discovery or innovation in any field of human thought or action, if widely accepted or adopted automatically, becomes a revolt against the status quo.

And next to the invention of speaking itself, the most important invention for the poet has been the invention of writing and reading; for this has added immensely to the scope of his mastery over words.

The invention of gun-powder was the source of great conflict and still continues to add to the inmates of prisons.

The great invention of Jarley, however, was the result of his study of Jarley junior as that very charming and exceedingly agile child developed from infancy into boyhood.

His means are as admirable as his ends; every subordinate invention, by which he helps himself to connect some irreconcilable opposites, is a poem too.

I may, however, notice in passing, that the invention or exaggeration of stories, which have a tendency to bring men into ridicule or contempt, is a practice which, from the entertainment it affords, is too easily tolerated by society, and usually fails to meet with the reprobation it deserves.

But this proves, however, that Homer taught Virgil to design; and if invention be the first virtue of an epic poet, then the Latin poem can only be allowed the second place.

Clever invention of absurd situations and success in starting infectious laughter are the prime qualities of these plays.

Nay, we are almost persuaded that the hopes of the alchemists were not altogether unfoundedthat antimony is indeed what they hoped to find itthat the invention of printing was the finding of the philosopher's stone; and that we are at this moment enjoying ten-fold the advantages which the alchemists anticipated from their secret.

46 Metaphors for  inventions