6 Metaphors for investments

He was personally satisfied that my investment was the best, but, in order to sooth old Will and prevent his mind from giving way, Wegg wanted to withdraw and purchase the other tract.

Behind them is a stalwart business representing, with parts and accessory makers, an investment of more than a billion and a quarter of dollars.

His motto was that "every man has his price," and as business was fairly dull, and Paul was somewhat cramped for want of capital, he thought a good business investment would be the price for Paul Clifford's conscientious scruples.

Ten years ago, the parts were all turned out in the ordinary forge and machine-shops; to-day there are six hundred manufacturers of parts and accessories, and their investment, including plants, is more than a billion dollars.

The best investment in the world Is goodwill, twenty carat; It costs you nothing, brings returns; So get yours out and air it.

"A Good Investment" was the title of the day's lesson, and I had been called upon to render the first paragraph.

6 Metaphors for  investments