49 Metaphors for league

Both these leagues were instances of true federal government, and were not mere confederations; that is, the central government acted directly upon all the citizens and not merely upon the local governments.

So long, of course, as the League of Free Nations remains a project in the air, without body or parts, such a press will sneer at it gently as "Utopian," and even patronize it kindly.

Half a league N. by E. from Mambulao is the lead-mountain of Dinianan.

A league of the five Balkan kings, with Roumania as primus inter pares, is the dream of a remote future, and until it can be realised, Constantinople cannot assume its natural position as capital of the Balkan peninsula.

The League itself is a reminder, too, that all working-girls have many interests in common, whatever their trade.

The League of Nations and the United Nations were efforts in this direction.

Leagues of States had often existed, but a league which, within a prescribed sphere, would have direct authority over the citizens of the constituent States, without, however, abolishing the authority of such States as to their reserved sphere of power, was a novel theory.

The league with the Devil, who would of course have to be conceived as in some sense or other an embodiment of evil, was the very heart of the old story.

Seven leagues distant are the Swedes; At Neustadt did Max Piccolomini Throw himself on them with the cavalry; A murderous fight took place!


The greater the league of states the greater is the likelihood that the plan will continue to work.

In the first two cases the League of Free Nations will be a world league including Germany as a principal partner, in the latter case the League of Free Nations will be a defensive league standing steadfast against the threat of a world imperialism, and watching and restraining with one common will the homicidal maniac in its midst.

The League is, in effect, a secret society of women.

On September 28 the four Balkan Governments informed Russia that the Balkan League was an accomplished fact, and on the 30th the representatives of all four signed the alliance, and mobilization was ordered in Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia.

Twenty leagues east is the harbour of Matanaos, which is not quite safe.

The earliest league in America, among white people at least, was the confederacy of New England colonies formed in 1643, chiefly for defence against the Indians.

Brailsford's "A League of Nations" is already a classic of the movement in England, and a very full and thorough book; and Hobson's "Towards International Government" is a very sympathetic contribution from the English liberal left; but the reader must understand that these two writers seem disposed to welcome a peace with an unrevolutionized Germany, an idea to which, in common with most British people, I am bitterly opposed.

To speak of it in itself, it is a quality which he that hath shall have least need of; so the best league between princes is a mutual fear of each other.

" A league, usually about 3 1/3 miles, is really the distance an average mule can walk in an hour.

The Woman's Municipal League of New York, the Educational and Industrial Union of Boston, the Housekeepers' Alliance, and the Civic Club of Philadelphia were the moving elements in the investigation.

It would not do to say that our Constitution was only a league, but it is labored to prove it a compact (which in one sense it is) and then to argue that as a league is a compact every compact between nations must of course be a league, and that from such an engagement every sovereign power has a right to recede.

The Charity League was the thing.

In the first two cases the League of Free Nations will be a world league including Germany as a principal partner, in the latter case the League of Free Nations will be a defensive league standing steadfast against the threat of a world imperialism, and watching and restraining with one common will the homicidal maniac in its midst.

"If the League is the sovereign, can it avoid responsibility for the misconduct of the mandatory, its agent?

The Brotherhood League was a pronounced and emphatic failure.

49 Metaphors for  league