30 Metaphors for lieutenant

This lieutenant was a brave and a strong fellow, had been a soldier in the Low Countries; and though he was not of any quality, only a mere soldier, had his preferment for his conduct.

"This, Lieutenant, is the very treasure that Mohammed gathered together during many years of looting caravans in the desert and of capturing sambuks on the Red Sea. Arabia, India, and China all contributed to it.

"The lieutenant was a kid, just gradooatedone of the kind that thinks it's glorious to get killed and read about it in the papers.

The lieutenants appointed to the Resolution were Robert Pallisser Cooper, Charles Clerke, and Richard Pickersgill, and Mr. Tobias Furneaux, Commander, and Joseph Shank first lieutenant, of the Adventure.

According to the general terms of the survival of the fittest and the growth of muscles most used to the detriment of others,' says the lieutenant in an unusual burst of humor, 'a band of cattle inhabiting this district, in the far future, would be all tail and no body, unless the mosquitoes should experience a change of numbers.'

The first lieutenant was a little in advance, and the surgeon, whose special duty it was to be present at such times, stood close at his side.

The Lieutenant of the pirates was a wretch, who did not fear God, and had compelled him to act.

But he begged to allow the first lieutenant to become a party to the frolic.

The Lieutenant is a very brave man, a great joker, and, as the saying is, hath got the length of his commander's foot; though he has another favourite in the house, called Tom Pipes, that was his boatswain's mate, and now keeps the servants in order.

The lieutenants-general and tribunes, without being summoned to consultation, (for there was no room for either consultation or remedy,) assembled round the dejected consul; while the soldiers, crowding to the general's quarters, demanded from their leaders that succour, which it was hardly in the power of the immortal gods themselves to afford them.

Gerilleau abandoned his old themes almost suddenly, and the Portuguese lieutenant became a conversational figure; he knew something about the leaf-cutting ant, and expanded his knowledge.

" Terrence assured him that the lieutenant was a great sport and that the best shooting was just before day.

" "In a recent conversation with the Adjutant General of the army, I was assured by him that in the organization of the ten regiments of immunes which Congress has authorized, the President had decided that five of them should be composed of Negroes, and that while the field and staff officers and captains are to be white, the lieutenants may be Negroes.

"What a brute that Lieutenant is!" thought Aunt Maria.

Ashore Dawson could face up to the Lord Jacquetot himself; on board ship a two-ring lieutenant was to him a god!

The Lieutenant remained master of the whole front of the caravan.

The first-lieutenant, however, was an exception.

The Lieutenant was no coward, but probably thinking that prudence was the better part of valor, refrained from handling his gun, and the two soon rode away in opposite directions.

For you, lieutenant, though pardoned, you are not guiltless.

Our captain, a decent fellow, was away most of the time and the lieutenant in command was a cur.

Our lieutenant was a bright young chap from South Car'lina that had come out of West Point only that summer, but he was true blue and warn't afeared of anything.

The second lieutenant of the Terpsichore was a young Irishman, with a sweet, musical voice; and, as the boats left the ships, he was with difficulty kept in the line, straining to move ahead, with his face on a grin, and his cheers stimulating the men to undue or unreasonable efforts.

What time is that naval lieutenant coming to look over the Prescott aeroplane, Peggy?" "Some time to-day.

As a matter of fact, Lieutenant, afterwards Captain, Griswold was a most gallant gentleman.

The Lieutenant was an able second, and his father, also, would not be outdone; indeed, once or twice the latter succeeded remarkably well.

30 Metaphors for  lieutenant