8 Metaphors for listening

"Aun' Peggy listen' ter 'is tale, en ax' him some queshtuns, en den tol' 'im

A short, half-cynical laugh with "Oh, maybe I'll go set on the porch an' listen to th' music!" was the answer.

"Aun' Peggy listen' ter 'is tale, en ax' him some queshtuns, en den tol' 'im

Listen, Tishka, is Ustinya Naúmovna here? TISHKA.

"Aun' Peggy listen' ter 'is tale, en ax' him some queshtuns, en den tol' 'im

" "Listen, I know you're not the chief minister yet.

" Mrs. Kemlo was resting in a steamer chair near the register in the back parlor, resting and listening; the listening was in itself a rest.

The listening and watching of the hunter when waiting for the game is only a prolongation of the same consciousness which accompanies all less exciting representations.

8 Metaphors for  listening