22 Metaphors for logic

Logic, philosophy, theology, all alike are but empty sounds and barren forms to those who know.

To St. Thomas Aquinas, logic was the art of arts, because in action we are directed by reason.

Logic is a machine of the mind, and if it is used honestly it ought to bring out an honest conclusion.

Logic being the lesser thing, the static incomplete abstraction, must succumb to reality, not reality to logic.

So it becomes necessary to inquire whether this Logic is a success, and so can coherently abstract from the personality of the knower and the particular situations that incite him to know.

If Logic cannot be matter of authoritative revelation, so long as the nature of the human mind is what it is,if it appears, as a fact, that in the writings and speeches of the New Testament the logic is far from lucid,if we are to compare Logic with Mathematics and other sciences, which grew up with civilization and long time,we cannot doubt that the apostles imbibed the logic, like the astronomy, of their own day, with all its defects.

The bad logic that occurs in many and many a well-meant sermon, is a real danger to modern Christianity.

Unlike common logic, which is merely formal, separating form and content, speculative logic, which is at the same time ontology or metaphysics, treats the categories as real relations, the forms of thought as forms of reality: as thought and thing are the same, so logic is the theory of thought and of being in one.

The "logic of events" is the only logic which substantiates the claims of rulers; and this logic means, in our day, constitutional government in politics and private judgment in religion,the free choice of such public servants, whatever their titles of honor, in State and Church, as the exigencies and circumstances of society require.

But deductive logic is the creation of Aristotle; and it was the authority of Aristotle that Bacon sought to subvert.

Logic is perhaps a natural and higher justice, going straight to the sum of the common labor, to the grand final labor.

Logic and morals are similar threads in the great web of life.

The poorest logic is the soundest reasoningif it conclude for him.

One, by one of those strange transformations in which the logic of unreason indulges, the image of Diana of the Ephesians, which fell down from Jupiter; another was the Ancile, the holy shield which fell from the same place in the days of Numa Pompilius, and was the guardian genius of Rome; and several more became notable for ages.

Faith had made them slaves by a moral chain that no revolutions could break; its logic was indisputablethe belief in a personal God, who busied Himself with the most minute concerns of the world, and granted His grace to the king that he might reign, obliged them to obey under pain of going to hell.

"I hope logic isn't a heresy in your new Confederacy, as religion was in the French Constitution of '93?" Rosa looked at Olympia, a little perplexed, and, seating herself on the cot with Vincent, where she could caress him furtively, said, with piquant deliberation: "I don't know about logic, but we've got everything needed to make us happy in the Montgomery Constitution.

In the main, indeed, logic is not a productive tool so much as a weapon of defence.

Irma S. Black (A); 6Jul71; R508724. Logic is the best alternative to spanking.

The best way of entering into it will be to begin immediately with Bergson's philosophy, since I told you that that was what had led me personally to renounce the intellectualistic method and the current notion that logic is an adequate measure of what can or cannot be.

Logic is not, to reason, a sure guide; and even where it feels its foothold most strong, it sometimes trips, to the disgrace of the good opinion it had of its own infallibility.

But, as we have already seen, logic is a gift which may easily be misapplied.

Logic, useful as it is, as a help to reasoning, is but the dead body of thought, as Novalis designates it, and has no place in the inspired regions where the prophets and the bards reside.

22 Metaphors for  logic