82 Metaphors for looked

A bold and fearless look's the best at all times.

" "So is the beat o' thy heart," Darrel answered, a merry look in his eyes, "an' the clock is keeping pace.

"Ill-looking and awkward!" was my only response.

A serious look shall be a Jury to excommunicate any man from our company.

If looks were daggers I should have been pierced through the heart.

" The look which accompanied these last words was a terrible mingling of cunning, cruelty, hope, and despair.

she could hear them, see them:little Charles, who, in his very babyhood, had been accustomed to uplift his tiny arm in championship of his own dear mother;Digby, the soft, tender, loving infant, whose every look was a smile,

I tell you Father, One hour of this mans goodness, this mans Nobleness Put in the Scale, against the Counts whole being, Forgive his lusts too, which are half his life, He could no more endure to hold weight with him; Arnoldo's very looks, are fair examples; His common and indifferent actions, Rules and strong ties of vertue: he has my first love, To him in sacred vow I have given this body, In him my mind inhabits.

My look must have been a somewhat blank interrogation, for Mademoiselle was laughing.

"My sister says I'm a fraudthat I really have a frivolous mind and that my serious look is a hollow pretense.

Indeed, I seemed incapable of sustaining any line of thought for more than an instant, and when after an indefinite length of time the door behind me opened, the look I turned upon the gentleman who entered must have been a strange and far from encouraging one.

The healthy red or pink look of the lips and finger-nails becomes a dusky purple.

Indeed, this girl was a "raving beauty" in her buxom, countrified way, and her good looks were the pride of the Sizer family and the admiration of the neighbors.

Come, come, take Heart of Grace; pull your Hats down over your Eyes; put your Arms across; sigh and look scurvily; your simple Looks are ever a Token of Repentance: comecome along.

O that my looks were lightning to blast fruits!

That look of fragrant cleanliness was her chief charm.

He hated coffee because he liked it; and the look of disgust with which he shoved it away was the exact measure of his physical craving for it.

Nevertheless, there is a language of the eyes, as of the lips; and it was not Lord Bearwarden's fault if his looks were misunderstood by their object.

" One more look, followed by a heavy frown and a low growling sound in his throatwhich may have been his way of saying good-byeand he was gone.

That look is pardon and acceptance!

"Me!"thought she"I am the lady whom, I have not a doubt, you have been longing to meet ever since the ball;" but her look was unmoved gravity.

"Signore; the look at even a stone is a melancholy office, when it is known to be the last.

His indifferent look was an additional annoyance to Eric, who walked up to him carelessly, and boxing his ears, though without hurting him, said contemptuously, "Conceited little sneak.

They flatter'd me, That said my looks were charms, my touches fetters, My locks soft chains, to bind the arms of Princes, And make them in that wish'd for bondage, happy.

" "Looks are a matter of taste," said Mr. Sharp, morosely.

82 Metaphors for  looked