11 Metaphors for lunch

A lunch to us is a snack that you put in your pocket.

Lunch was a late breakfast, well served in china and silver that were seldom used in Peter Askew's time.

That lunch at the Florence.... "What attractive shoes those are."...

The modest lunch that I had expected became a veritable feast, and having been entangled in the convivial meshes, I had to stay until the end of it all.

"Girls, girls, girls!" shrieked Libbie, who was in the lead, "our lunch is goneevery crumb of it!"

That lunch was the one scene in the comedy upon which he dwelt in telling the story to me.

Lunch is the chief meal over which care should be exercised, for important matches generally begin about two o'clock.

Lunch was a period of snatching, spilling, and making plans to get the best.

Jan. 5, 1916.Standing in the garden just after lunch was witness to startling phenomenon.

"Is the lunch nearly ready, Jessie?" "Yes, miss; I was only waiting for you to come in.

Lunch was the one thing they had both forgotten.

11 Metaphors for  lunch