101 Metaphors for majorities

* A missionary from the South writes: "In speaking on prohibition I call attention to the fact that wherever there is a missionary school a majority of the colored people are Prohibitionists, and in alluding to places where local option has failed to banish the saloons because, as is alleged, 'the negroes voted the wet ticket,' I add, 'To the white citizens who make this complaint I would say, Oh, that ye had been wise!

It has already been said that the majority of the best-looking Retrievers are also good working dogs, and it may here be added that many of the most successful working dogs are sired by prize-winners in the show ring.

It may be remarked that, in spite of the opinion thus expressed by Sir Robert Peel, of those who, since his retirement in 1846, have held the same office, the majority have been members of the House of Commons.

However, the majority of these were resolute and dangerous-looking men, and, though without any marks of inordinate zeal, seemed willing enough to fight whatever appeared.

It is true that among the official classes and the large landowners, among the clergymen, lawyers, and physicians, the majority were Loyalists; and it is true that the mob was everywhere revolutionist.

Since that time, the great majority of them have been staunch believers in the Mohammedan religion.

As with most other speculative business investments, the great land companies rarely realized for the originators and investors anything like what was expected; and the majority were absolute failures in every sense.

It should be added, however, that though the penalty for each of these seventy-one crimes is 'death,' yet a majority of them are, in the words of the law, 'death within clergy;' and in Virginia, clergyable offences, though technically capital, are not so in fact.

The revival that transpired under his labors swept through the entire community, and gave an accession of more than one hundred members, a majority of whom were heads of families.

The men of Rhode Island and Massachusetts who achieved the independence of South Carolina did not stop to consider whether a majority of her white inhabitants were Tories.

The great majority of these pioneers were the bone and sinew of the nation, and possessed a fair share of the brains.

Theoretically, at least, to give democracy any standing-ground for an argument with despotism or oligarchy, a majority of the men composing it should be statesmen and thinkers.

The fact that a majority are blacks, to begin with, must deprive that consideration of all its force, even to their own apprehension.

The majority of the jíbaros are whites.

The overwhelming majority of department-store clerks are girls under twenty-one.

The vast majority are still strangers to anything beyond primitive love.

But German military spying goes much farther than this, for inasmuch as most Germans have been soldiers, the majority of Germans travelling or resident in a foreign country are trained observers of military matters and, often act as semi-spies.

His majority on the popular vote was four thousand.

Dr. Franklin (Memoirs, i. 177) says that when the assembly at Philadelphia, the majority of which were Quakers, was asked by New England to supply powder for some garrison, 'they would not grant money to buy powder, because that was an ingredient of war; but they voted an aid of £3000 to be appropriated for the purchase of bread, flour, wheat, or other grain.'

The Union with Scotland, where the majority of the population was Presbyterian, had rendered it almost impossible to maintain the exclusion of Englishmen resembling the Scotch in their religious tenets from preferments, and even from seats in the House of Commons, to which Scotchmen were admissible.

Should the majority of the legislature consist of free-state men, then Kansas would be a free territory.

Some of them had weatherboard houses but the majority of them was log houses.

It is doubtless a libel on the colored race to state that even the majority of its members are chicken thieves by descent rather than inclination, just as it is a libel on their religion to insinuate that a colored camp meeting is almost certain to involve severe inroads into the chicken coops and roosts of the neighboring farmers.

I am firm in the faith that the great majority of our people are Square Dealers.

Majority of senators The place of meeting is usually the capital of the state.

101 Metaphors for  majorities