16 Metaphors for mamma

"Yes, let us go by all means, particularly as mamma has always been a good counsellor.

Take my lifetake my blood, but don't take my boydon't take my boy" "Mamma, mamma, is that the way you're going to begin all over again after your promise?" She clung to him, heaving against the rising storm of sobs.

'Then if I have no papa, mamma must be a wife that has lost her husband, and that, mamma told me at dinner yesterday, was a widow.' 'Was the like ever seen!' exclaimed Mistress Pauncefort. '

And papa says that then mamma was almost a little girl herself.

HUSH-A-BYE Hush-a-bye, baby, Daddy is near; Mamma is a lady, And that's very clear.

"Mamma," she said, "there's Marmaduke and Sholto Douglas.

"I'll do it when 'tis day-light, if you please; I cannot work, Mamma, now it is night.

At length she said, 'Mamma, is not a widow a wife that has lost her husband?' 'You are right, my dear,' said Lady Annabel, rather gravely.

Papa was never in favor, because mamma was a Pole, but these terrible opinions finished it.

At length she said, 'Mamma, is not a widow a wife that has lost her husband?' 'You are right, my dear,' said Lady Annabel, rather gravely.

I thought she came to me in such a splendid dress, and told me that she was not only a live lady, but my own mother, and that mamma was Hush!

Mamma, is what you say true? SALOME.

Dearest Mamma,Yesterday was the best day we have had yet; the nice men had not to field at all, and the stupid cricket was over at four o'clock, and so we went into the gardens and lay in hammocks, and Miss La Touche had such nice shoes on, but her ankles are thick.

[Sidenote: Back at Croixmare] Dearest Mamma,To-day is the dinner and cotillon at the de Tournelles'.

Mamma was my grandmamma.

[Sidenote: A Visit to Rouen] Dearest Mamma,To-day has been the loveliest I ever remember, not a cloud in the sky.

16 Metaphors for  mamma