5 Metaphors for mannerism

So far then from wishing to foster in you any artificial mannerism, mannerism is that foul enchanter from whom, above all others, I am sworn "en preux chevalier" to deliver you.

Your prose may be the rougher for it, but it will be at least honest; and all mannerism is dishonesty, an attempt to gain beauty at the expense of truthful expression which invariably defeats its own ends, and produces an unpleasing effect, so necessarily one are truth and beauty.

Mannerism, Stanmoremannerism is the great enemy of art.

Your prose may be the rougher for it, but it will be at least honest; and all mannerism is dishonesty, an attempt to gain beauty at the expense of truthful expression which invariably defeats its own ends, and produces an unpleasing effect, so necessarily one are truth and beauty.

Mannerism and affectation should forever be proscribedunless they are imitated as an exercisebut all the excellence that chance has produced up to the present time should be incorporated in the new science.

5 Metaphors for  mannerism