134 Metaphors for manners

The manner in which she acts dragon over Miss C. is a joy to me, the only observer.

In what manner is the production of the earth and sea, of which I have seen so much?

Their manner is free and easy, their attitude familiar.

Now between ourselves, Mrs. Evan, don't you think writ out manners is terrible confusin' and contradictin'?

She has no genius for equality; her manners are a compound of threatening and flattery.

There manners are much more free. LUKÉRYA.

He said no more to me, but remarked to no one in particular that "an austere manner is a poor passport in this country," which implied that I was new to the East, and would learn better if I stayed long enough.

A man's manners are the mirror in which he shows his portrait.

And since elegance is impossible without good manners, and good manners are a convention, though a supremely good one, the society by which I surrounded myself was conventional; superficially, of course, for it is the business of a convention to be not more than superficial.

In what manner was such a wound made?" "That we don't know.

El Lobo was missed, but the manner of his going was a secret of four men and a Mexican girl.

His manner was bland, his smile, that took up his whole face, very pleasant.

The following passage is eminently happy: 'To reject wisdom, because the person of him who communicates it is uncouth, and his manners are inelegant;what is it, but to throw away a pine-apple, and assign for a reason the roughness of its coat?' BOSWELL.

It was not a man setting his wits at a child, and winking all the while at other children who are mightily pleased at being let into the secret; but a consummate villain entrapping a noble nature into toils, against which no discernment was available, where the manner was as fathomless as the purpose seemed dark, and without motive.

The manner in which he was looked after by the ladies had become quite a joke in the family, though one of his chief tormentors had lately been moved out of his way, Louisa Grant was married.

" "For one thing," and Carroll's manner was all business again, "I want every bit of dope I can get on Gerald Lawrence and his wife.

Bad manners, overbearing manners are disagreeable in all countries: India is the only country where bad and overbearing manners are a political crime.

The manner of proceeding on the part of the British Government, and the arguments which have been put forward in justification of its pro-slavery policy, are serious aggravations of its original offence.

He retained to old age the amiable simplicity and unsuspecting frankness of boyhood: his affection for his brother, to whose society at Winchester he latterly retired from college, during the vacations in summer, does not seem ever to have suffered any abatement; and his manners were tranquil and unassuming.

In deliberations and debates about affairs of great importance, the simple manner of speaking to the point is the proper, easy, clear, and compendious way: facetious speech there serves only to obstruct and entangle business, to lose time, and protract the result.

The manner in which the author concludes his instruction proves his kindness of heart, as well as his benevolence: "If one of your servants fall sick, it is your duty, setting everything else aside, to see to his being cured.

Then there appeared the buxom woman, and bade us come to our suppers, and her manner of addressing the two of us was the manner of one who might have mothered us; but Mistress Madison cried out to her to wait, that we had found work to do, and at that the big woman laughed, and came towards us threateningly, as though intending to remove us hence by force.

Co'se I knows dere's w'ite folks an' black folks,but dere's manners, suh, dere's manners, an' gent'emen oughter be de ones ter use 'em, suh, ef dey ain't ter

' Steadman's manner to Lady Mary was curt at the best of times.

" Her manner was playful, almost tender; and Puckers, adding another large infusion of tea, wondered to see her look so soft and kind.

134 Metaphors for  manners