5 Metaphors for marche

Hasty marches, long and unwholesome encampments, winter parties, counter-marching, dodging and entrenching, were the exercises of his men, and oftentimes killed him more men with hunger, cold and diseases, than he could do with fighting.

Next morning, when the trappers took their way out of St. Louis, La Marche was a leader among them for life.

And besides, the guards of the respective quarters must see the return of those who have been to the fight, and whose anxious wives are waiting on the steps of the doors; must learn from them that the forward marches have in reality been routs, and that many dead and wounded have been left on the field, when the Commune reports only declare "losses of little importance."

Pierre La Marche was a Franco-Canadian of the spread-eagle kind referred to.

On our journey to the Pole we had covered 863 miles, according to the measurements of the odometer; our mean daily marches were therefore 15 miles.

5 Metaphors for  marche