7 Metaphors for mastery

Time is short, and mastery in any field of human activity is so long a process that it forbids us to waste our moments.

Can one be a lawyer by reading Blackstone?" "A thorough mastery of it is an admirable foundation of a good lawyer.

The other countries of Europe were forced to find their outlets for conquest and emigration beyond the ocean, and, until the colonists had taken firm root in their new homes the mastery of the seas thus became a matter of vital consequence.

" Mastery of strategic advantages, plus the illusion of mere bigness, without any specification to quality, became keys to survival and success.

It is to be remembered, of course, that a complete mastery of the table of poisons, as set forth on the two following pages, is really a physician's business.

Beneath our wholesome dislike for shallow facility and insincerity of speech, we have a conviction that the mastery of words is a good thing, not a bad.

However, as regards dress, Eleanor was still a phenomenon of the greatest interest, and Sylvia never saw her without getting an idea or two, although it was plain to any one who knew Eleanor that this mastery of the technique of modern American costume was no achievement of her own, that she was merely the lovely and plastic material molded, perhaps to slightly over-complicated effects, by her mother's hands.

7 Metaphors for  mastery