68 Metaphors for material

The material of such artists is a joy in itself.

The stonework is real, and the material is the best of its kindgood, honest, native stone.

(4) The material on which the animal has to stand is a distinct bar to the maintaining of a strict asepsis.

At the same time it is quite certain, that engines proportioned by these rules will work satisfactorily where good materials are employed; but it is important to know in what parts good materials and larger dimensions are the most indispensable.

But how can the materials of an education be dead stock?"

The material in this art is language, which must therefore be handled with the greatest care and delicacy.

One, that the materials are not natural stones, but an artificial composition, hardened by time.

The anecdotes, whatever they may be worth, of Alfred and the burnt cakes, and of Tom Thumb's mamma and her Christmas pudding, made in a bowl, of which the principal material was pork, stand almost alone; for we get, wherever we look, nothing but descriptions by learned and educated men of their equals or betters, how they fed and what they atetheir houses, their furniture, their weapons, and their dress.

The material used was "Tane Kosi," i.e., grains of rice coated with the mycelium, conidiophores, and greenish yellow chains of conidia of Aspergillus Oryzoe.

Materials were: A bottle of Indian ink, a couple of brushes, about a hundredweight of useless charcoal, and a G.S. blue and red pencil.

Those materials have been the collection of several years, and it would require a long time to replace them, if they could ever be replaced.

It is of Gothic architecture, and its materials are white marble.

But if these be good, and the materials used be sound ones, and if the other precautions just recommended be taken, it will last strong and sturdy for an immense length of time.

The material, as usual, was a miserable cotton, many-coloured like the scarf of Iris.

Already, the materials of the Mendelians have become basic parts of his structure.

The colder the materials employed, then, for the bread-making, the colder will be the air confined within it, and the lighter will be the bread.

Most material and vital of these influences are the common diseases of children, for they strike directly at the glands of internal secretion.

The material of this inhospitable coast is a hard metamorphic schist which bids defiance to time and weather.

This material is the most fertile portion of our richest fields, transformed from a blessing to a curse by unrestricted erosion.

The material of the dress of this young servitor of Neptune, was a light rose-colored silk, cut in a fashion to resemble the habits formerly worn by pages of the great.

Traffick, even while it continues in its state of prosperity, must owe its success to agriculture; the materials of manufacture are the produce of the earth.

THE END [Transcriber's note - the following material is the Lilypond (www.lilypond.org) source for the song found earlier in this e-book.

Since these men left their fatherland, a great Literature and Philosophy have breathed like a tropic upon that land, and the superstitions have been wrought into poetry and thought; but that raw material of legend which in Germany has been woven into finest tissues on the brain-looms of Wieland, Tieck, Schiller, and Goethe, has remained raw material in the great valley that stretches from New York to Upper Alabama.

Epic material is fragmentary, scattered, loosely related, sometimes contradictory, each piece of comparatively small size, with no intention beyond hearty narrative.

The materials of which it is made are grass-cloths, silks, satins, or white cotton, from China.

68 Metaphors for  material