9 Metaphors for mathematics

The combination of words into propositions, being an addition or subtraction of arbitrary symbols or marks, is called judgment; the combination of propositions into syllogisms, inference; the united body of true or demonstrated principles, sciencehence mathematics is the type of all knowledge.

My principal mathematics on the quires are Optics.

" "Half nine and add two" (aside: "These midnight mathematics will be the death of meah!

A closer inspection, however, soon settles the question, and the reader, if mathematics be his hobby, is carried irresistibly along till he reaches the last page.

Although in after life mathematics were his favourite pursuit, yet the fact that he translated Tertullian for the "Library of the Fathers" is sufficient evidence that he made good use of his classical education.

To not understand this was to think that mathematics was reality.

Mathematics was a tool.

I judge it better English to say, "Mathematics are a useful study.

Mathematics is not the only example of demonstrative knowledge, but the most perfect one, since in mathematics, by the aid of visible symbols, the full equality and the least differences among ideas may be exactly measured and sharply determined.

9 Metaphors for  mathematics