25 Metaphors for medicines

That a given medicine is the best, avails nothing if it be not also one which the patient is willing to take.

MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE OR FORENSIC MEDICINE, is the branch of medical study which bears on legal questions, the detection of crime or the determination of civil rights.

Patent medicine is not the remedy.

Here for a couple of years he became popular as a singer of songs and a teller of tales, to whom medicine was only a troublesome affliction.

Now, the only medicine I should advise you to take, is a dose of a slight aperient medicine every morning the first thing.

Then, the only purgative medicines that can be given with safely to an infant, without medical sanction, are, castor oil, manna, rhubarb, and magnesia; the application of the lavement, and the aperient liniment.

The medicine which Quetzalcoatl drank was the white wine of the country, made of those magueys call teometl.

But medicine is not the only field to which we may reasonably look for a sudden development of wonders.

It is no such thing; medicine is the surgery of functions, as surgery proper is that of limbs and organs.

Medicine is a great aid in any caseI have never thought it more.

Now, the only medicine I should advise you to take, is a dose of a slight aperient medicine every morning the first thing.

It is often thought that medicine is the curative process.

It was too precious to be shared with his neighbors; the medicine of the white man was "wahkun" (wonderful)and, carrying out the principle that the more of a good thing the better, he, with his wife and children, took it all!

But medicine, architecture, education, farming, and even wholesale business, especially importation and exportation, are the professions of a gentleman.

How far these parts are capable of transmitting the action of medicines, and of diseases, and especially what medicines and diseases, are points well worthy of consideration.

The only medicine the doctor gave them was Epsom salts.

Your medicines, Doctor, and the testamentary disposition of a man's worldly effects, are very natural associations.

MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE OR FORENSIC MEDICINE, is the branch of medical study which bears on legal questions, the detection of crime or the determination of civil rights.

After it was all over, there was a great deal of explanation how it occurred and that it was inevitable from the beginning; but the public did not, and does not, understand how the learned doctors could have been so mistaken Wednesday and so wise Friday; and yet the explanation is simple,medicine is an art and surgery far from an exact science.

Surgery is a fine art, but medicine is witchcraft, or little better.

Medicine and shoes were his chief trials: he kept on paying for the latter, but the debt for the former went on accumulating.

Medicines purging melancholy are either Memb.

The medicine shall be a bull's head and a robe.

No medicine will avail any thing here; the cause must be removed; the best medicine, and the only remedy, is a breast of healthy milk.

For, stricken with a stake into the flesh, This policy they use to get it out: They trail one of their feet upon the ground, And gnaw the flesh about where the wound is Till it be clean drawn out: and then, because Ulcers and sores kept foul are hardly cur'd, They lick and purify it with their tongue, And well observe Hippocrates' old rule, The only medicine for the foot is rest:

25 Metaphors for  medicines