9 Metaphors for metaphors

Metaphor is not the least use: he answers literally.

All slang is metaphor, and all metaphor is poetry.

In short, if we look into the Conduct of Homer, Virgil and Milton, as the great Fable is the Soul of each Poem, so to give their Works an agreeable Variety, their Episodes are so many short Fables, and their Similes so many short Episodes; to which you may add, if you please, that their Metaphors are so many short Similes.

OBS.A Metaphor is commonly understoood

Metaphors are sorry logic, especially metaphors from human and those too conventional usages to the ordinances of eternal wisdom.

It hath already been said, that Metaphors are Images of things which affect the Senses.

The "mixed metaphor" is a common blunder of beginners.

A Metaphor is a figure that expresses or suggests the resemblance of two objects by applying either the name, or some attribute, adjunct, or action, of the one, directly to the other; as, 1.

A metaphor is an implied comparison.

9 Metaphors for  metaphors