186 Metaphors for minding

So far as he could judge, his mind had become in his later years a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts, and that atrophy had taken place in that part of the brain on which the higher aesthetic tastes depend.

The mind is merely a (for the senses too) refined body, or, as it is stated in another place, a movement in certain parts of the organic body.

Then, since the subjective mind is the automatic builder of the body, the result of the individual's acceptance of the Resurrection principle must be that this mental conception will eventually work out as a corresponding fact.

The mind that is not profound enough to perceive and believe even what it cannot comprehend,that is the shoal.

The curse of birth can eclipse the benediction of Universal Mind, but cannot quench it: in other words, the human mind, in its passage from the birth to the death of the body, is still an integral portion of the Universal Mind.

My own mind also, which has hitherto been to me the truest prophet, presages that Spain will be ours; that the whole Carthaginian name will in a short time be banished from this land, and will fill both sea and land with ignominious flight.

His mind was a turgid chaos of misery; and about him the birds shrilled and quavered and carolled till the air was vibrant with their trilling.

His face was a perfect blank, and his mind could not have been much more picturesque.

My mind is not capable of any concentration, any effort to maintain a conversation, even with a friend.

The mind is not, I know, a highway, but a temple, and its doors should not be carelessly left open.

There are, we are told, accurate unimaginative, ingenious minds capable of science and kindred vulgar things (such was Archimedes), and vague, imaginative minds, with the gift for language and for the treatment of passion and the higher indefinable things (such as Homer and Mr. Gilkes), and, somehow, this justifies those who are destined for "science" in dropping Greek.

All your mind's of doing, You must be modester.

Her woman's mind was not only the directing intelligence, it was as eccentric as quicksilver, infinitely supple and corrupt, Oriental in its trickishness and impenetrability.

"In my opinion," says one of the characters in the Dialogue, (to be identified as the author,) "profound minds are the most likely to think lightly of the resources of human reason; and it is the pert superficial thinker who is generally strongest in every kind of unbelief.

His mind was akin to theirs in its denunciatory fury, its prostration before the might and majesty of a single God.

Dab's mind must have been tired, as well as his body; for he decided to postpone until the morrow the report he had to make about the tramp.

His mind was already miles ahead.

Intelligence was the cause of the world and of order, and mind was the principle of motion; yet this intelligence was not a moral intelligence, but simply the primum mobile,the all-knowing motive force by which the order of Nature is effected.

The individual's subjective mind is his own innermost self, and its first care is the maintenance of the individuality of which it is the foundation; and since it is pure spirit it has its continual existence in that plane of being where all things subsist in the universal here and the everlasting now, and consequently can, inform the lower mind of things removed from its ken either by distance or futurity.

The anonymous writer thus characterises the talents of Sheridan: "Was this then the fate of that high-gifted man, The pride of the palace, the bower, and the hall The orator, dramatist, minstrel,who ran Through each mode of the lyre, and was master of all? "Whose mind was an essence, compounded, with art.

he, for example, among the ancients, who said of certain great souls that all the orders of heaven were called together to fancy a fine destiny for them, and that illustrious nation who wrote that the eternal mind was wrapt in deep contemplation, and big with the vast design, when it conceived such a genius as Cardinal Hippolito d'Este.

The minds and souls of real womensuch were not matters for American story; and yet the Americans wrote with dangerous facility.

Mind where you are taking the boat!" was the cry, but it came too late.

His own mind and body was an undiscovered country which he was just beginning to enter.

Without a country!" He went even further, in one respect, in a letter to Mr. Walker, of Utica, of October 27, but his ordinarily keen prophetic vision was at fault: "Have you made up your mind to be under a future monarch, English or French, or some scion of a European stock of kings?

186 Metaphors for  minding