9 Metaphors for molly

No wonder my pretty Molly was her slave.

This old woman Molly is a wonderfully intelligent, active, energetic creature, though considerably over seventy years old; she was talking to me about her former master, Major , and what she was pleased to call the revelation war (i.e. revolution war), during which that gentleman, having embraced the side of the rebellious colonies in their struggle against England, was by no means on a bed of roses.

Molly is a daring girl.

But Miss Molly ain't the head of the family; is she, sir?"

Molly was a mere bird of passage, an American girl staying with friends for a brief time, therefore my infatuation was a humorous thing.

You see she has a fixed idea that Molly is a very second-rate sort of person compared with you, and that a husband who was not nearly good enough for you might pass muster for Molly; and so she gave way, and there isn't a happier young woman in the three kingdoms than Mary Haselden.' 'What are they to live upon?' asked Lesbia, with an incredulous air.

Molly's a dear in her way, and I'm very fond of her, of course.

Molly is a good enough woman, and if I send for her, she will come to you until you have suited yourselves with servants.

" "Molly is a grain of sand in a hurricane, nowadays," said Morrison seriously.

9 Metaphors for  molly