45 Metaphors for moralities

In Spain and Portugal these plays, under the name auto, were wonderfully developed by the genius of Calderon and Gil Vicente; but in England the Morality was a dreary kind of performance, like the allegorical poetry which preceded it.

An elevated morality is the professed aim of all enlightened lawgivers; and the prosperity of nations is built upon it, for it is righteousness which exalteth them.

" "But surely," said Rose, "morality is after all only a word for what society agrees to consider moral.

A loose business morality has indeed been the worst blot on our national reputation; but before abusing it or hastily condemning the whole race for it, let us calmly study it and we shall be rewarded with consolation for the future.

Morality became to her a religion, not so intense as with saints and prophets, but more sympathetic and ardent than with most ethical teachers.

Morality is activity for its own sake, the radical evilfrom which only a miracle can deliver us, but a miracle which we must ourselves performis inertness, lack of will to rise above the natural determinateness of the impulse of self-preservation to the clear consciousness of duty and of freedom.

It has been argued that 'tribal morality' is only a set of regulations based on the convenience of the elders of the tribe: is, in fact, as the Platonic Thrasymachus says, 'the interest of the strongest.'

In spite of this advantage, the Morality is in general a synonym for what is uninteresting.

All morality and religion is to be tried by 'the mind which was in Christ,' 'the spirit of Christ which dwelleth in us.'

'Tis not to be doubted, but that if these, or the like proceedings, were duly observed, morality and religion would soon become fashionable court virtues; and be taken up as the only methods to get or keep employments there, which alone would have mighty influence upon many of the nobility and principal gentry.

Morality is a delusion, justice, like all Ideas, a phantom.

But, if this be so, morality must be a matter capable of being reasoned about, a subject of investigation and of teaching, in which the less intelligent members of a community have always something to learn from the more intelligent, and the more intelligent, in their turn, have ever fresh problems to solve and new material to study.

Almost all morality is relativein fact, it is doubtful if it is ever absolute.

The morality of the war on our side, is the morality of the highwayman; that morality by which the strong in all ages have preyed upon the weak.

It is based on the fact that morality is the most dark and daring of conspiracies.

The morality or wisdom of slavery are considerations belonging to the States themselves.

In the first place, it is a "moral" view, and as morality is admittedly the truest and most real end of man, it would seem that a moral cure must be more radical and efficient than any merely industrial cure.

Not often in history has the great truth that 'morality is the nature of things' received corroboration so prompt and timely.

I agree to this; but it does not alter my fact: on the contrary, it confirms what I say,that the Biblical morality is not final truth.

The elevated morality of the ethical code of Moses is its most striking feature, since it appeals to the universal heart, and does not conflict with some of the ethical teachings of those great lights of the Pagan world to whose consciousness God has been revealed.

Morality is the chemistry of the mind, its attractions and repulsions, likes and dislikes.

That which touches morality touches the heart of society; a high and pure morality is the life-blood of humanity; mistakes in belief are inevitable, and are of little moment; mistakes in life destroy happiness, and their destructive consequences spread far and wide.

Morality is the object of government.

In the previous page he denies morality to be a matter of hereditary instinct.)]

Morality is the chemistry of the mind, its attractions and repulsions, likes and dislikes.

45 Metaphors for  moralities