18 Metaphors for neglected

IN WHAT A MAN OUGHT TO BE EXERCISED WHO HAS MADE PROFICIENCY; AND THAT WE NEGLECT THE CHIEF THINGS.There are three things (topics, [Greek: topoi]) in which a man ought to exercise himself who would be wise and good.

On the other hand his neglect to show us the head of Holofernes, which constitutes so dramatic a property in the Book of Judith, was a noticeable omission.

Neglect for the claims of human personality both amongst pupils and teachers is the chief danger of a State system of education.

Neglect, ridicule, vulgar abuse, slander, threats, intimidation, misrepresentation, and legal prosecutions, have been the mildest weapons employed against those who in the discharge of their sworn duties dared to befriend the oppressed.

He alluded himself to the reports to his prejudice, avowed with sorrow that neglect of parochial duties was indeed a just accusation, but from every other, he solemnly assured the Marquis, his conscience was free.

To take only the subject of the Jews: it would be difficult to find a form of bad reasoning about them which has not been heard in conversation or been admitted to the dignity of print; but the neglect of resemblances is a common property of dulness which unites all the various points of viewthe prejudiced,

The neglect of this rule is a fundamental characteristic of the philosophical, and generally speaking of all the reflective authors in Germany, especially since the time of Fichte.

The neglect has not been my fault, but due to the exceptional circumstances of the war.

Believing that the neglect of the spiritual needs of the slaves was a reflection on the slaveholders, he set out early in the thirties to stir up South Carolina to the duty of removing this stigma.

She had been so extremely intimate and cordial the night before that this neglect was almost an insult.

His neglect of letters was a standing joke against him.

If I stood in need of any argument to impress upon the mind of a parent the importance of attending to the last injunction, I would simply state, that its neglect is but too frequently the cause of disease of the brain, terminating in death, or a state of idiotcy far worse than death, of which I know more than one living instance.

Neglect, and the decay consequent on neglect, was the lot of all who languished under that abominable despotism.

The neglect of this rule is a fundamental trait in the philosophical writing, and, in fact, in all the reflective literature, of my country, more especially since Fichte.

The neglect, and, in some cases refusal, to attend the British wounded by German nurses are a sign both of their own intensity of feeling in regard to the war and their entirely different mentality.

Note 15, page 128.Judging by the analogy of the relation which our central consciousness seems to bear to that of our spinal cord, lower ganglia, etc., it would seem natural to suppose that in whatever superhuman mental synthesis there may be, the neglect and elimination of certain contents of which we are conscious on the human level might be as characteristic a feature as is the combination and interweaving of other human contents.

This constant neglect of the context is a point that should be borne in mind.

Now abject, stooping, old, and wan, Neglected is the beggar man.

18 Metaphors for  neglected