4 Metaphors for niche

Since niches were so common a feature of Inca architecture, the chances are that Sir Clements is right in translating Salcamayhua as he did and in calling Tampu-tocco "the hill with the three openings or windows."

The five niches above the porch are statueless, and so are those on the porch front.

The room is a very handsome one, with a low and very richly carved roof of dark oak again; a huge projecting bow window, and the dais elevated more majorum; the ornaments of the roof, niches for lamps, &c. &c. in short, all the minor details, are, I believe, fac similes after Melrose.

On the west side where is now a canopied niche was formerly an external pulpit reached from within by the staircase which leads to the roof.

4 Metaphors for  niche