480 Metaphors for object

Footnote 179: Two other principles of this book should be noted: (1) that all power originates in the people; and (2) that the object of all government is the common good.

He may observe here, that whether government was a contract or not, it will not affect the reasoning of the present Essay; since where ever the contract is afterwards mentioned, it is inferred only that its object was "the happiness of the people," which is confessedly the end of government.

What possible object could the Spanish war-vessels have in this, was a question asked by every one, as soon as the intelligence became known.

"As I rode into the grounds, after fording and recrossing the river where Custer failed, the first object to greet my sight was a small inclosure, with large mound and headstone, which marked the spot where Lieutenant Crittenden fell.

Here not seek its independence; the object was reform in oppressive laws and in burdensome taxation, a measure of self-government, under Spain, and a greater industrial and commercial freedom.

The most remarkable object in the interior of this church is the subterranean chapel, in which the body of St. Charles Borromeo reposes.

The objects to be examined are, first, the stars known to be variable, with the expectation that some evidence may be afforded of the cause of the variation.

One or all of these elements may influence the decision, but whatever argument may be urged in favor of any one of these factors, the chief object in the determination of the sovereignty to be exercised within a certain territory is national safety.

The real objects of Greek worship were beauty, grace, and heroic strength.

And of that kind of oratory the object is equity, which is regarded, not in a single point of view only, but very often by a sort of comparison: as when there is a dispute as to who is the most appropriate prosecutor; or when the possession of an inheritance is sought for without any express law, or without any will.

Although the primary object of the expedition was the verification of previous discoveries, the programme was largely departed from, and this particular journey of Mitchell's led to the opening up and speedy settlement of what is now the State of Victoria.

You will bear in mind that the primary object of this expedition is the examination of a new tract of unknown country for practical purposes, by practical menthat, in fact, the discovery of new land of an available kind for pasture has become a thing to be desired, of paramount importance, and an object in the attainment of which the interests and perhaps the fate of this colony depend.

You feel, that there is no hazard in your admission, that the paramount object in relation to the District of Columbia, is its suitableness for a seat of Government, since you accompany that admission with the denial, that the presence of slavery interferes with such suitableness.

Every visible object in the vast circumference of its spreading limits was then naked unkempt.

This is simply an act of theft, only that the object of the theft is the community at large and not an individual.

The next object that engaged my attention was a group representing a Nymph reclining on a couch semi-supine, and a Cupid at her feet.

The British navy had discovered in its conflicts with the Dutch during the seventeenth century that the object of naval warfare was the command of the sea, which must be won by breaking the enemy's force in battle.

Alexander Combs Erkson was one of the pioneers of 1849, having left the state of Iowa in the month of May, when he assisted in organizing a company known as the "Badger Company" at Kanesville, the object being mutual assistance and protection.

His object is the same with phantasy, his seat and organ the back part of the brain.

The nearest object it showed was a high, broad-branched thorn apple tree.

But Mr. Lincoln meant neither more nor less than what he said, his sole object being the overthrow of the Rebels.

" Neefe's object, therefore,as was Haydn's at a subsequent period,was to give his pupil that mastery of musical form and of his instrument, which should enable him at once to perceive the value of a musical idea and its most appropriate treatment.

The object which Napoleon had in view at this time was his marriage with Marie Louise, from which he expected an heir to his vast dominions, and a more completely recognized position among the great monarchs of Europe.

My sole object was the acquisition of knowledge of the subject,knowledge which to me would be valuable, and, I may say, essential.

The objects of the Magyars were twofoldto attain the hegemony of the Balkan peninsula by conquering all the still independent Serb territories, and to bring the peninsula within the pale of Rome.

480 Metaphors for  object