17 Metaphors for offers

Thou knowest our York saying, that 'first offers are the best.'" "He that likes may purchase, and he that prefers his gold to fine laces, rich silks, and stiff brocades, has only to sleep with his money-bags under his pillow.

"Your present offer is a favour which I would accept from you, if I accepted such from any man ...

The offer itself is an additional proof of the high estimation in which he stood at this time.

Lamb's salary at the time of his retirement was nearly seven hundred pounds a year, and the offer made to him was a pension of four hundred and fifty, with a deduction of nine pounds a year for his sister, should she survive him.

If the sum is small or if the owner is at all uncertain as to his plans or if he is not in a position to find another attractive form of investment, the offer by the bank of a small rate of interest on special time deposits (2 to 3 per cent is not an unusual rate in such cases) will suffice to cause him to leave such funds in the bank.

Should I elect to remain where I was, till the grave there was nothing before me but the life I was leading now: my only chance of getting above it was by marriage, and Harold Beecham's offer was the one chance of a lifetime.

An offer, by the defendant, to marry the woman, will not be a bar to a prosecution for seduction, as nothing but actual marriage will constitute such bar.

Hawkins is startled at this insolence, and at Johnson's uniform assertion that an offer of money was an insult.

England's own offer, brought by the Hanoverian courier, was a great surprise to mehe!

The German offer for a solution of the problem of world-government is German sentiments, German racial pride, German manners and customs, an immense increase of German territory and German influence, and above all an acknowledged supremacy for the German race among the nations of the world.

MY CLUBBING OFFERS This is the TWENTIETH YEAR that I have been in the subscription business, and in this Catalogue No. 39, I am giving the best bargains in periodical literature that have ever been placed before the public.

Obviously, the offers are NO LONGER AVAILABLE and most of these periodicals are no longer published!

The last offer was six wigwams full of dead enemies for the so much coveted strap.

Mr. Russell's offer of twenty-five dollars a month was a temptation which I could not resist.

My offer's a second-class berth.

An offer, eh?' 'Perhaps it is an offer, but not of THAT sort,' said Bessie, and she explained what the unliterary Admiral had not understood.

"My opinion is that his preposterous offer is mere bluff.

17 Metaphors for  offers