7 Metaphors for ordeal

The Ordeal of Richard Feverel is the story of a beautiful first love.

But as we grow up (which some of the best of us never do) we realise that piracy is not the best way to establish the ownership of cargoes, any more than the ordeal is the way to settle cases at law, or the rack of proving a dogma, or the Spanish American method the way to settle differences between Liberals and Conservatives.

The Ordeal of Richard Feverel and Diana of the Crossways are also masterpieces.

The ordeal by battle is a stern test of the solid power of a nation.

His great ordeal had been the need, a terrible and incomprehensible need, to kill something intangible in himself.

The ordeal was another established method of trial among the Anglo- Saxons.

The severest ordeal through which we had to pass, however, was the dance at the hall of the Blagorodnaya Sobrania to which we were escorted by General Kukel (koo'-kel), the Governor-General's chief of staff.

7 Metaphors for  ordeal