9 Metaphors for outbreak

At the time, I had no thought but that the outbreak was the result of old Polete's prophecies, and was confined alone to Riverview.

The mad outbreaks of women in convict prisons is a most curious phenomenon.

Clouds there were that indicated to thoughtful minds a coming storm, and in the most dangerous quarter; but the actual outbreak was a matter of an hour, and has fallen on us like a judgment from Heaven,sudden, irresistible as yet, terrible in its effects, and still spreading from place to place.

The outbreaks of race prejudice in recent years are the surest evidence of the Negro's progress.

Lacretelle, iv., p. 368, affirms that this outbreak, for which in his eyes "une prétendue disette" was only a pretext, was "évidemment fomenté par des hommes puissans," and that "un salaire qui était payé par des hommes qu'on ne pouvait nommer aujourd'hui avec assez de certitude, excitait leurs fureurs factices.

Every outbreak of temper induced by her conduct toward me became occasion of a period of penitence, for I was taught that such outbreaks were sinful, and as neither had I the amount of self-control that I needed to overlook the provocations she gave, nor had she the power of understanding the position, the transgressions that my conscience had to bear up under became an intolerable load.

Lacretelle, iv., p. 368, affirms that this outbreak, for which in his eyes "une prétendue disette" was only a pretext, was "évidemment fomenté par des hommes puissans," and that "un salaire qui était payé par des hommes qu'on ne pouvait nommer aujourd'hui avec assez de certitude, excitait leurs fureurs factices.

She has convinced herself that the people may be ruled, but not oppressed, and that the revolutionary outbreaks of the lower classes are the consequence of the injustice of the higher classes.

Its later history consists of a long series of revolts, of which the present outbreak is the latest, but scarcely the last, instance.

9 Metaphors for  outbreak