37 Metaphors for outcome

But whatever the end of the demonstration, the outcome will be the impossibility of a longer residence in this country for the Prince Pavlo Alexis.

The practical outcome of laissez-faire economy has been monopoly or finance capitalism functioning through the sovereign state or empire.

The outcome was a law which might be evaded with relative ease wherever public sanction was weak, but which nevertheless proved fairly effective in operation.

Its great outcome is the learning to live with, rather than for, others.

The outcome was a compromise.

The outcome must be monopoly in every important line of manufacturing industry and perhaps of commerce.

The outcome is a community directed by a military arm seeking to perpetuate and enlarge its own role in the determination and exercise of public authority, using any means which seems likely to produce the desired results.

The logical outcome of such a situation is preparation for a war of independence by the vanquished, countered by military occupation, rigid suppression, and exploitation by the victors in the previous struggle.

Well the inevitable outcome of such an attitude is catastrophe.

The outcome of the large freedom permitted at Athens was a series of philosophies which had a common source in the conversations of Socrates.

Many of these blemishes are, doubtless, the outcome of simple carelessness; for Voltaire was too busy a man to give over-much time to his plays.

The final outcome of this desperate struggle was the further extension of her South African possessions.

For, though the advocates of the principle would declare that their intention is that the salaries of women should be leveled up to those of men, it is more probable that the ultimate outcome would be a leveling down.

The act would violate the core of hospitality and knighthood, no doubt, but its outcome would be a very definite gain to France, and for the rest, merely a dead body in a ditch.

It is therefore generally acknowledged by astronomers that the outcome is a triumph for Einstein.

In the event, however, of such a call to perfect love, the logical and practical outcome of this mode of imagining the relation of God to creatures is a steady subtraction of the natural love bestowed upon friends and relations, that the energy thus economized may be transferred to God.

The inevitable outcome was the assassination of General Bobrikoff by a young student in June 1904; and when the Russian universal strike took place in October 1905, the entire Finnish nation joined in as one man.

But since the entire Italian peninsula was occupied by more or less independent groups, each of which was seeking a larger and safer place in the sun, the outcome was ceaseless diplomatic maneuvering, using war as an instrument of policy in the struggle for pelf and power.

" The outcome of Bambi's thoughts was a letter to Mr. Strong.

The direct outcome of your meditations will be a calm, spiritual strength which will be your stay and resting-place in the struggle of life.

The outcome of his brooding (it would have shocked the Vicar if he could have traced its genesis) was an extraordinary revulsion in Rowcliffe's favor.

Harmar had learned a bitter lesson the preceding year; he knew well what Indians could do, and what raw troops could not; and he insisted with emphasis that the only possible outcome to St. Clair's expedition was defeat.

'The outcome of your speech, then, my dear sir, as I apprehend it, is a request to me to send back the fugitive lamb into the jaws of the well-meaning, but still lupine wolf?'

There were thenceforth meetings every evening between the twomeetings which were sometimes far extended into the night; and the outcome of it all was that one morning, just as the sunbeams came thrusting the white fog over blue Lake Michigan, Simpson sought his own room somewhat weary-eyed, but with a countenance which was simply beatific in expression.

Its outcome was a competitive life and death struggle for wealth and power, with the nation or a bloc of nations as the units of competition.

37 Metaphors for  outcome