7 Metaphors for percentage

There is but a small percentage of clay in the soil, but a good deal of lime, and five inches down is the hard rock; therefore this light, stony soil never holds the rain, but allows it to percolate rapidly through, even as a sieve.

Prior to the Revolution, Indian traders from Western Pennsylvania had penetrated into this region, and we learn from authentic sources that no small percentage of those itinerant merchants of the west were Irishmen.

A relatively high percentage of iodine is the unique distinctive fact in its chemistry.

The percentage of reserves henceforth required of all member banks (as above indicated) is a substantial reduction of the former requirement for national banks.

The percentage of loss to the numbers engaged was the heaviest of any action in the War.

The percentage is of course an exaggeration.]

But it has been asserted that while a large percentage (practically all) of the deaf can, by a great amount of painstaking and practice, become speech readers in some small degree, a relative degree of facility in articulation is not nearly so attainable.

7 Metaphors for  percentage