10 Metaphors for perils

The Yellow Peril must be rather nice, as well as his father, even if he is our enemy.

They conclude their appeal to the Government of the United States for relief by declaring: If it be at all the intention of our honored parent to spread her guardian wing over her sons and daughters in Oregon, she surely will not refuse to do it now, when they are struggling with all the ills of a weak and temporary government, and when perils are daily thickening around them and preparing to burst upon their heads.

Moreover, your peril is not a blind peril only, but a blind man's peril.

The peril of a moment before became a blessing.

The perils that threatened them were lawlessness, lack of order, and lack of capacity to concentrate their efforts in time of danger from within or from an external enemy; and against these perils they made no provision whatever.

That that peril was Lieut.

The peril of all philosophies, outside that of Christianity as it was developed under the Catholic dispensation, is dualism, and many have fallen into this grave error.

CHAPTER II THE LIVE CANOE Robert was fully aware that their peril was not yet overthe Indians, too, might have canoes upon the lakebut he considered that the bulk of it had passed.

I am sorry to say it, but the great peril of France at this moment is gas.

A sense of exultation, mingled with sincere thankfulness, gripped the hearts of the two Air Service Boys as they realized that the peril was now really a thing of the past.

10 Metaphors for  perils