5 Metaphors for phoebus

Yet can I boast, though Phoebus were uniust, This shift did serve to barre him from his lust.

The grace lies in the telling, for the plot was probably already stale when Phoebus and Daphne were protagonists.

Arise, deare Nourses of divinest skill, You sacred Muses of Pernassus hill; Phoebus is conquerd by your deare respect And will no longer clemency neglect.

Should thy iambics swell into a book, All were confuted with one radiant look. 4 Heaven he obliged that placed her in the skies; Rewarding Phoebus, for inspiring so His noble brain, by likening to those eyes His joyful beams; but Phoebus is thy foe, And neither aids thy fancy nor thy sight, So ill thou rhym'st against so fair a light.

Arise, deare Nourses of divinest skill, You sacred Muses of Pernassus hill; Phoebus is conquerd by your deare respect And will no longer clemency neglect.

5 Metaphors for  phoebus