160 Metaphors for pieces

The piece which I composed according to my scattered recollections is, it is true, the best I ever produced.

But his most conspicuous piece of work was his journey (in the disguise of a native doctor) into Kafiristan in 1883, an achievement which gained for him the Murchison Grant of the Royal Geographical Society, and which stands quite alone, as unless Russian explorers have recently succeeded in entering the country, there is no record of any other European ever having done so.

For ye say that in every host each piece is the whole manhood of Christ, or full substance of Him.

The third piece was a large hollow globe, about 24 inches in diameter, and cut into 26 planes, two of which served for top and bottom.

The piece of acting that most cheered me was Mr. GRAHAME HERINGTON as the philanderer's manservanta very tactful and observant performance.

I can only repeat to you what I have been saying in print and out of it for a good many years, and what I believe more firmly as observation is enlarged by time and occasion, that these three pieces are the most perfect manual in all literature for the study of great affairs, whether for the purpose of knowledge or action.

The highest and central piece was a deep trumpet-flower, whose mouth was cleft into eight petals.

The pieces alluded to in the foregoing extracts are the following: "WHAT I DO THOU KNOWEST NOT NOW.

The first piece I saw performed was Manlius; but I was too far off from the stage to judge of the acting, and could do little more than catch the sounds.

The piece was l'Ajo nell' imbarazzoa very droll and

Every piece of rudeness is, strictly speaking, an appeal to brutality; for it is a declaration that intellectual strength and moral insight are incompetent to decide, and that the battle must be fought out by physical forcea struggle which, in the case of man, whom Franklin defines as a tool-making animal, is decided by the weapons peculiar to the species; and the decision is irrevocable.

The altar piece was the gift of Basil, Earl of Denbigh, and the communion plate, consisting of 182 ounces, that of Mary Careles.

The next piece which occupied Michelangelo's chisel was a Sleeping Cupid.

That piece of ingenuity was bread cast on the water for Migwan.

The Prince of Wales's Theatre has a reputation for level excellence in Comic Operait is the spécialité de la maison, and the new lyrical piece is a worthy successor to Dorothy, Marjorie, and Paul Jones.

But his most conspicuous piece of work was his journey (in the disguise of a native doctor) into Kafiristan in 1883, an achievement which gained for him the Murchison Grant of the Royal Geographical Society, and which stands quite alone, as unless Russian explorers have recently succeeded in entering the country, there is no record of any other European ever having done so.

Four hundred pieces of cannon, with large stores of ammunition, were the reward of the victors.

"A bracelet with a gold chain, the centre-piece of which is a fine opal surrounded with brilliants; the opal is oblong and mounted in the Gothic style; the clasp is an opal.

The next piece I saw was the Cinnna of Corneille; and here it was that I beheld Talma for the second time.

The piece was Howe's tragedy of "Tamerlane."

But, above all, the fragmentary piece on the Death of Arthur was a fit prelude to that lordly music which is now sounding in our ears.

That piece of the handkerchief was a good find, Rolfe, and I congratulate you on getting it.

But apart from these strong proofs, it would be plain from internal evidence that the present piece is a domestic comedy of Shirley's, written in close imitation of Ben Jonson.

When this Bagh O Bahar was finished, the year was 1217; do you now stroll through it night and day, as its name and date is Bagh O Bahar; the blasts of winter can do it no injury; for this Bahar is ever green and fresh; it hath been nourished with the blood of my heart, and its (the heart's) pieces are its leaves and fruits;all will forget me after death;but

The most striking piece of psychology known to me in American drama is the Faith Healer in William Vaughn Moody's drama of that name.

160 Metaphors for  pieces