14 Metaphors for pillow

This was the bed of fifty men, lying side by side on the bare stone, my pillow being my felt hat, and my bedding my overcoat.

The pillow of this daring head Is pungent evergreens; His larder terse and militant Unknown, refreshing things; His character a tonic, His future a dispute; Unfair an immortality That leaves this neighbor out.

There were leaves and dust in that golden hair, as if her pillow had been the earth, and her beautiful brown eyes had a terrified look, as if some dread possessed her mind.

The pillows and sheets were white clouds tumbling all round me.

A pillow stuffed with hops is an old and successful mode of procuring sleep in the watchfulness of delirious fever.

"I usually shoot or stab, but the pillow was the first thing handy.

Paradise, pillows and parasols are familiar symptoms.

Thy covering is the tatters of old tents, Thy pillow is the stones upon the hearth. All clad in rags thou hast a heavy sleep Awaking to another stupid day.

Their pillow was a scanty mat, eked out With caps and garments: such the ways and means, Such the whole treasury of the fishermen.

" IX "Your pillow is clean, and your pillow-beer, For I wash'd 'em in Styx last night, son, And your blankets both, and dried them upon

The pillows to these baleful beds were toads, Large, living, livid, melancholy loads, Whose softness shock'd.

My pillow before was your sleeveless jersey.

"A pillow of flowers is a monstrosity.

Thus: "The pillow is a dumb sibyl.

14 Metaphors for  pillow