19 Metaphors for pines

The murmuring pines and the hemlock aren't in it with this impenetrable jungle liberally blotched with yellow, this so-called sunflower patch.

The white pine is much the tallest of our native trees.'

Southern yellow pine was the most popular timber shipped abroad.

The dazzling sky deepens as it rises to breathless azure, and the soul pines for and is fain of God.

Where misery moans unpitied and unheard, Where sickness pines, where thirst and hunger burn, And poor misfortune feels the lash of vice? *

The white pine is the most common, but in the evergreen woods of our own country it is mixed with pitch-pine and fir trees.

In many districts where Pines were the original growth, they still constitute the larger sylvan assemblages, while the deciduous trees stand in scattered groups on the edge of the forest, and the contiguous plain.

Lieutenant Oxley, in his late expedition to Moreton Bay (1823), found reason to doubt whether the pine that he found in the Brisbane River was the Araucaria excelsa of Norfolk Island.)

The resiny pines are types of health and steadfastness; the robins feeding on the sod belong to the same species you have known since childhood; and surely these daisies, larkspurs, and goldenrods are the very friend-flowers of the old home garden.

Retinospora obtusa, Siebold, the glory of Eastern forests, is called "Fu-si-no-ki" (tree of the sun) by the Japanese; the Sugar Pine is the sun-tree of the Sierra.

The pines were noble trunks, often sixty to eighty feet high, and with boughs disposed in all possible picturesqueness of form.

The May flowers were all dried up in the sun, and the ground pine and bear's grass were as sere and yellow as the autumn leaves.

The Yellow Pine is found growing with them on warm hillsides, and the White Silver Fir on cool northern slopes; but, noble as these are, the Sugar Pine is easily king, and spreads his arms above them in blessing while they rock and wave in sign of recognition.

But the pine is no more lumber than man is, and to be made into boards and houses is no more its true and highest use than the truest use of a man is to be cut down and made into manure.

Specifications for paving blocks often require that longleaf pine be 90 per cent heart.

As for firewood, for which our crosscut saw was intended, pitch pine and yellow pine and spruce were all odorous and inflammable woods, but they did not make good firewood.

His spear (to equal which the tallest pine Hewn on Norwegian hills, to be the mast Of some great ammiral, were but a wand) He walked with, to support uneasy steps Over the burning marle, not like those steps On heaven's azure; and the torrid clime Smote on him sore beside, vaulted with fire.

He pines away at the sight of another's successit is his special torture. 1696.

The Pines, however, are the dominant growth: but here they do not grow so compactly as in colder regions, standing widely apart, with a frequent intervening growth of Willows and shrubbery.

19 Metaphors for  pines