10 Metaphors for pledge

If God had strictly commanded them to exterminate all the Canaanites, their pledge to save themselves was neither a repeal of the statute, nor absolution for the breach of it.

The pledge signed has been to thousands the proclamation of emancipation.

This pledge was, however, only a shama thin smooth piece of wood about the size and thickness of a silver cigarette case, which he had found in a yard adjoining a carpenter's shop, and a thin piece of iron of about the same size, which he had picked up in the street.

Besides, what pledge could be [Footnote 1: Philopater Irenaeus, 50-60.

he cried, "you men of Kincaid's Batteryand you, sir,and you,"nodding right and left to Mandeville and the detective,"on this our solemn pledge to supply as soon as ever we can all form of law and social usage here omitted which can more fully solemnize this uniondo now" Up went the detective's hand

A solemn pledge of obedience to the King was the last thing the Liberals wanted to give, just for the same reasons that the King made a point of receiving it; his feelings were deeply engaged, and Roon doubtless hoped that his colleagues would at last be compelled to resign; he wished, therefore, to have Bismarck on the spot.

And there was danger in the middle distance of our view into the future, danger of attack, or dangerous duty of advance, just enough to keep any trifler from feeling that his pledge was mere holiday business.

They are testifications, because those pledges are continual visible witnesses of mutual love; hence also they are memorials thereof; especially if they be rings, perfume-bottles or boxes, and ribbons, which are worn in sight.

Those pledges are first favors, because conjugial love engages for itself everlasting favor; whereof those gifts are the first fruits.

As those pledges are securities of conjugial love, therefore presents after consent were in use with the ancients; and after accepting such presents the parties were declared to be bridegroom and bride.

10 Metaphors for  pledge