12 Metaphors for poland

Poland is a receptacle of all religions, where Samosetans, Socinians, Photinians (now protected in Transylvania and Poland), Arians, Anabaptists are to be found, as well as in some German cities.

Poland was the first and greatest martyr of the nationalist faith.

Poor Poland was unable to resist the three great powers around her, and the other kings of Europe, who had been greedily annexing land wherever they could get it, stood by without a protest.

Poland was not the outcome of her own strength, but of the strength of the Entente.

[Illustration: The First Singing of The Marseillaise] Questions for Review Why was Poland an easy prey for her neighbors?

Poland is the last country in Europe which has the right to deplore the treaty, because Poland did not conquer the treaty.

An entirely independent Poland will be a feverish field of international intrigueintrigue to which the fatal Polish temperament lends itself all too readily; it may be a battlefield again within five-and-twenty years.

Poland is the home of genius by right.

In the Middle Ages Poland was a more powerful state than Russia, and comprised territory stretching from the Gulf of Riga to the Black Sea and from the Oder to the Dnieper.

"No one then," he wrote, "could doubt that an independent Poland would be the irreconcilable enemy of Prussia and would remain so till they had conquered the mouth of the Vistula and every Polish-speaking village in West and East Prussia, Pomerania, and Silesia.

Jesu Maria!' "The promise of Grand Duke Nicholas that Poland shall be a nation once again went straight to the very heart of every one of our 25,000, fellow countrymen.

I am a persistent advocate for the restoration of Poland, but at the same time it is very plain to me that it is a mere travesty of the facts to say that Poland, was a white lamb of a country torn to pieces by three wicked neighbours, Poland in the eighteenth century was a dangerous political muddle, uncertain of her monarchy, her policy, her affinities.

12 Metaphors for  poland