7 Metaphors for pork

The Maoris who boarded Cook's ships thought at first that pork was whale's flesh.

If pork and beans is the device of the Puritans, the cod-fish ball is the invention of the devil.

In a world where prize pork was the best excellence, he would have carried off all the premiums.

"Don't you know that fried salt-pork and potatoes, in the kitchen, in your shirt-sleeves, is your only consistent meal, in the work season?"

Pork is their delightapples they are particularly fond ofand, in the absence of fire-water, molasses and water is a most acceptable beverage.

E. This seemingly trifling circumstance was matter of great surprize and scandal to the Mahometans, who consider hogs as unclean animals, and to whom pork is a forbidden food.

Pork and corn-bread are the great staples of life in that hot climate, where one would naturally look for lighter articles of food.

7 Metaphors for  pork