5 Metaphors for poulticing

In spite of what is sometimes urged to the contrary, a hot poultice is, perhaps, the best means of bringing this about.

Poultices are only another form of fomentation, though chiefly used for abscesses.

Constant poulticing both before and after the opening of the whitlow, is the only practice needed; but as the matter lies deep, when it is necessary to open the abscess, the incision must be made deep to reach the suppuration.

In fact, a poultice, strongly impregnated with perchloride of mercury or other powerful antiseptic, is a useful dressing in a case of a punctured foot, or a wise preliminary to an operation involving the wounding of the deeper structures.

If the wound, after being well washed, should still contain any sand, or grit of any kind, or if it should get red and hot from inflammation, a large warm bread poultice will be the best thing to apply until it becomes quite clean, or the inflammation goes down.

5 Metaphors for  poulticing