6 Metaphors for prescription

Well, I doubt that your prescription Is the best: for fair recluses, Whose sublime pursuits, restricted To celestial things, make even The most innocent thought seem wicked, Are by no means likely persons To divert a man afflicted With this melancholy madness: Better take him into the thickest Throng of Rome, there flesh and bone Goddesses he 'll find, and fitter.

The doctor's chief prescription was horse exercise; but what would a constitutional canter be to one accustomed to free rides through the Bush?

Mr. Abernethy's prescription is a very good oneto rise early and use active exercise in the open air, till a slight degree of fatigue be felt; then to rest one hour, and breakfast.

She knew where the prescription was keptin a little drawer of her father's old desk, a drawer supposed to be secret.

These two prescriptions, one, another ineffectual sedative, so great was the man's suffering, and the other but a segment of the medical program looking toward a cure, may be dropped into the matter casually.

Inflamed with wine, and blasting at a breath, All its prescriptions are receipts for death.

6 Metaphors for  prescription