8 Metaphors for prettiest

The prettiest of the creatures of the shore is the Sea Anemone.

(1) George Pretty is a dark complexioned man; about five feet three inches in heighth; weighs about 135 pounds and looks to be much younger than he is.

The pretty and witty are devils in masque; The beauties are mere apparitions; The homely alone by their faces are known, And the good by their ugly conditions.

Pretty was no boxer, but he was a firm believer in the value of a good stout cane.

"The fust time Mr. Bunnett see Bob Pretty was about a week arter he'd offered that gold watch.

Pretty is a favourite word of his.

So perforce, she travelled in a large picture-hat which, although pretty and becoming, was hardly suitable headgear for channel-crossing in mid-winter.

I've seen them that was as pretty as picters in my eyes: cheeks jest as rosy as they could be, and hair all shiny and curly, and little mouths with lips as red as sealin'-wax, and yet one of my boarders that had a great name for makin' marble figgers would say such kind of good looks warn't of no account.

8 Metaphors for  prettiest