29 Metaphors for profits

Another class of clients who brought him much work but no profit were the widows and orphans of soldiers seeking aid to get pensions.

I have, indeed, no idea of the private advantage of a legal trader: for unless, sir, we neglect our duty of providing that no commerce shall be carried on to the detriment of the publick, the merchant's profit must be the profit of the nation, and their interests inseparably combined.

Profits on bank notes have at times been the main, almost the sole, motive for starting banks; but that is not the case to-day when the right of issue is so strictly limited.

profit, and nearly every new church is a trade speculation.

"Luck is a merchant's surplus, while a living profit is the reward of his wits!"

The voyage being finished, the only profit yielded by it to Ledyard was a little experience in the hardships of a sailor's life, as his scanty funds were soon exhausted and poverty stared him in the face.

High profits (taking always good years together with bad) on capital sunk before the war in buildings and machinery are thus a likely consequence of an increase in the price-level.

Profits are the net result of many influences.

I intimate no suspicions; but accuracy is the soul of commerce, as profit is its object.

I saw that those natives remaining, laughing and full of the desire for pleasure as they were, must perish because unfit to survive in the morass of modernism in which they were sinking, victims of a system of life in which material profits were the sole goal and standard of the rulers.

Your profit will be the loss of others.

Well, in point of fact, the profits on your branch have lately been veryhave seemederhave been by no meanswhat we could wish, Mr. SCROOP, what we could wish, Sir. H. of D. Really, Sir, Iah, am grieved to hear it, for, upon my word, I hardly know Principal (abruptly).

The profit arising from punishments, which were then chiefly pecuniary, was another reason for his desiring to retain the judicial power; and when his fief became hereditary, this authority, which was essential to it, was also transmitted to his posterity.

But it is very clear that excessive profits from the control of natural resources, monopolized by a few, are not worth to this Nation the tremendous price they cost us.

The profits on the first edition were three thousand dollars, and several other editions were to follow steadily.

The profits of stock are the surplus which remains to the capitalist after replacing his capital: and the ratio which that surplus bears to the capital itself, is the rate of profit.

He believed profit was the devil.

Johnson's profits, after the deduction of expenses, and together with the hundred pounds, which he received from Robert Dodsley, for the copy, were nearly three hundred pounds.

The alleged profits of Base Ball mostly are fanciful dreams of those who know nothing of the practical side of the sport and are stunned when they are made acquainted with the real financial problems which confront club owners.

It is useless to say that we are dealing here with an absurd and dangerous conception, because the profit of the capitalist is a necessary element of production, and because production along communist lines, wherever it has been attempted, has brought ruin and misery.

The law's your ownso make no fuss, The profits are our portion.

In 1833 he was made postmaster of a small village; but the office paid nothing, and his principal profit from it was the opportunity to read newspapers and some magazine trash.

We are not obliged to speculate, but if we could invest our money in some enterprise where it would bring profit, the profit would be so much gain for the country.

Their banking profits were enormous, and Christians who saw the wages of sin heaped up before their eyes, looked wistfully at a business forbidden by the ecclesiastical standard of morals of that day.

The profits of this work, and the subscriptions for the new edition of Shakespeare, were the means by which he supported himself for four or five years.

29 Metaphors for  profits