13 Metaphors for pyramids

The pyramids are monuments to religion.

And so shall you know the utter desolation that was in my heart; and, truly, I can perceive both the wiseness and the unwisdom of my reasonings; for, indeed, I did have no sure knowing that the dark Pyramid did be truly the Lesser Refuge.

The Egyptian pyramids are marvels to us, because we are accustomed to look upon the laborer as a man.

It is only fair to say that the reader will look in vain in them for the advice which is found in writings of a similar character composed at a later period; but as a work intended to demonstrate the "whole duty of man" to the youth of the time when the Great Pyramid was still a new building, these "precepts" are very remarkable.

The pyramid of mail might have been a week's batch for the Doge himself.

The great pyramids were such tombs.

The pyramids were as much a wonder then as now.

All things were dreamlike in dimness, of course, but he could make out terrific cloud effects, as the clouds gushed over the summit and down the slope a little way like the smoke of enormous guns; and again a pyramid of mist was like a false mountain before him, a mountain that took on movement and rushed to overwhelm him, only to melt away and become simply a shadow among shadows above his head.

And truly the Mighty Pyramid did be an emptyness; for there did seem to be left only the Stress Masters that did arrange the moving of the Millions.

And in all the Pyramid was there a great silence; for the bellowing of the Home-Call bred a quietness, because of that which it did portend; and it was swiftly known by the millions that the Master Monstruwacan did plead for the souls of the Youths; and there went forth, unknowingly, a counter-force from the Mighty Pyramid, by reason of the prayers and soul-wishings of the countless millions.

Even the pyramids, the great boast of Egypt, are proofs of nothing more than ordinary patient labour, directed by despotic power.

The Pyramids are centuries old.

The Pyramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain.

13 Metaphors for  pyramids