9 Metaphors for registering

Well, I'm afraid that register is no good.

The Register of the Treasury is the official book-keeper of the United States.

When this Register, now in process of creation, has become an accomplished fact, one of the chief remaining obstacles to the progress of the teaching service will be removed.

Do not dream that your registers, your bonds, your affidavits, your instructions, are the things which hold together the great texture of the mysterious whole.

A brief register of measurements and events in the histories of a large number of persons, previous to their entering any institution and during their residence in it, need not therefore be a difficult matter to those who may take it in hand seriously and methodically.

The register of Steele's baptism, corroborated by the entry made on his admission to the Charterhouse (which also implies that he was baptized on the day of his birth) is March 12, 1671, Old Style; New Style, 1672.

The register is an intrinsic modification of the sound; a modification which is produced in the larynx itself and which does not belong to the mouth.

THE CABINET ANNUAL REGISTER FOR 1831 Is a well-arranged digest of the history of the past year, in a more concise and compact form than such matters are chronicled in that woolly workthe Annual Register.

The register of deeds is an officer elected by the people for a term of three years.

9 Metaphors for  registering