3 Metaphors for remove

Removes to London, i. 110. 1738 Becomes a writer in the Gent.

Why do you fly off from the facts to a gigantic fiction,when the possibility of the 'If' with respect to a much less startling narration is the point in dispute between us?" Such and so peculiar, and to an honest mind so unmistakeable, is the character of veracity and simplicity on the very countenance, as it were, of the Gospel, that every remove of the inquirer's attention from the facts themselves is a remove of his conversion.

Farewel then cities, courts, and camps farewel, Welcome ye groves, here let me ever dwell, From care and bus'ness, and mankind remove, All but the Muses, and inspiring love: How sweet the morn, how gentle is the night!

3 Metaphors for  remove