13 Metaphors for reposing

"Repose," he murmurs, "is the best of foods, And here my little heart shall stay in peace.

For them, still more than for the European peasant, repose is the most agreeable refreshment.

Vainly had he believed that repose was the only solace that remained for his exhausted spirit.

But inactive repose was neither the wish nor the lot of Roger Williams; and he earnestly desired to reach the spot where he proposed to found his new settlement, and prepare a home for his beloved Edith; and from whence, also, he hoped to be able to send a letter to Salem or to Plymouth, which might allay the anxious fears that he well knew she had so long been enduring.

Annibal Caracci was accused of an affectation of muscularity, and an undue parade of anatomical knowledge, even upon quiescent figures: But the artist whom we are now considering has no quiescent figures:even his repose is a state of rigid tension, if not extravagant distortion.

By death it is 'quenched in a most cold repose': but the repose is not necessarily extinction.

"But what is it?" "Repose is strength,life that develops from within, and feels itself and has no need of effort.

George draws from this inferences of the wisdom of Nature in confiding the duties of maternity to young creatures, whose pulses have not yet lost the impatient leap of early pleasure and energy, and to whom repose and reflection have not yet become the primal necessities of life.

Repose and cheerfulness are the badge of the gentleman,repose in energy.

This repose was to him an annihilating torment, and the inactive vegetation a living death.

Repose is inherent security.

His repose was the repose of helplessness,not that of grace or nature.

Unluckily this repose in the void is the worst torture for a man of the white race.

13 Metaphors for  reposing